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{{DISPLAYTITLE:''About Hoxhapedia''}}
== 普罗百科是什么? ==
[[普罗百科]]是一个成立于二零二零年九月的[[马列主义|马克思-列宁主义]] 百科全书,旨在为左翼与希望学习左翼理论的人提供帮助。我们坚持反[[帝国主义]]原则,以[[马列主义]]对政治经济学的解释对抗西方的[[新自由主义]]霸权。

== What is Hoxhapedia? ==
Hoxhapedia is a [[Stalinism|Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist]] encyclopedia founded in July 2023 aiming to make information accessible to revolutionaries and those who wish to study revolutionary theory. We stand for the principles of anti-revisionism and we aim to combat the Western and Eastern imperialist and social-imperialist hegemony in Western society by presenting a Stalinist understanding of political economy.

Hoxhapedia was born out of the revisionist ashes of another [[MediaWiki]] project, [[ProleWiki]], although we vastly differ ideologically from the Dengist orthodoxy that infested that cesspool of a project when it still existed.
== 普罗百科是什么意思? ==

== What does Hoxhapedia mean? ==
== 普罗百科如何发展? ==
Hoxhapedia takes on a similar style to [[Leftypedia]], [[Wikipedia]], etc. insofar as it combines "[[Hoxha]]" with "pedia", the latter of which is a shortening of "encyclopedia". We maintain a similar naming style to those other projects to indicate that we similarly employ MediaWiki software and represent virtual encyclopedias, but differ in our adherence to the anti-revisionist teachings of comrade [[Enver Hoxha]], as opposed to the Western-propaganda that infests Wikipedia and the crypto-Patriotic socialist and anti-Stalinist filth that makes up Leftypedia.   

== What drives Hoxhapedia forward? ==
==如何帮助普罗百科? ==
Our project is very new, even months after our birth. After anti-revisionist efforts led by one of our comrades, [https://en.prolewiki.org/index.php?title=Comrade:Wisconcom&oldid=52437 Wisconcom],  were successful in chasing out the revisionist clique which controlled the predecessor of Hoxhapedia, ProleWiki, we decided that, at an indeterminate time, we will soon set up a fully democratic administration with total transparency and so forth. However, because of the threat of a Dengist counter-attack, we have decided to temporally extend the leader-based system which we had when we started. If you require something, please directly message comrade Wisconcom on his [[:en:Comradeship:Wisconcom|talk page]].
请参阅[[ProleWiki:How_to_contribute|''如何编辑'']]. 为了让普罗百科发展壮大成为可靠的资料来源,我们需要不断的贡献者编辑。 您也可以访问[[赞助页面]]以补贴网站支出。最好是[[Special:RequestAccount|注册账户]]以便与我们联系,了解如何帮助我们。
The Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist science should be our guide to emancipation of the human experience from class society and class exploitation, to make our society free to solve its own contradictions in the interests of all workers and producers.
== What can I do to help? ==
You can read our page on ''[[How to contribute]]'' (WIP). For Hoxhapedia to grow and become a relevant source of knowledge, we need to contribute to its success collectively. The best thing you can do is request an account so you can be in contact with us and learn how you can help more efficiently.
Oh, speaking of account requests, we do not accept Dengists, Trotskyites, Maoists (including Gonzaloites), third-worldists, anti-Stalinists, and other revisionists. If you, as a revisionist, are so willing to join a revolutionary encyclopedia, you had better just join with the "MAGA Communists" and Trotskyists presently infesting Leftypedia.

於 2023年12月10日 (日) 09:16 的最新修訂


普羅百科是一個成立於二零二零年九月的馬克思-列寧主義 百科全書,旨在為左翼與希望學習左翼理論的人提供幫助。我們堅持反帝國主義原則,以馬列主義對政治經濟學的解釋對抗西方的新自由主義霸權。





普羅百科遵循着由編輯者民主建設的原則,依靠主幹編輯者維持並發展內部民主。 馬列主義科學是將人類經驗由階級社會和剝削中解放出來的指南,使社會符合勞動者的利益,解決矛盾。


請參閱如何編輯. 為了讓普羅百科發展壯大成為可靠的資料來源,我們需要不斷的貢獻者編輯。 您也可以訪問贊助頁面以補貼網站支出。最好是註冊賬戶以便與我們聯繫,了解如何幫助我們。