
於 2022年8月14日 (日) 06:09 由 AliceMargatroid留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂


弗拉基米爾·列寧對帝國主義的理論中,認為帝國主義由五個基本特徵定義: 存在在經濟生活中有決定性作用的壟斷; 銀行資本與工業資本合併為金融寡頭控制的金融資本; 資本的輸出而不是簡單的商品輸出; 國際壟斷組織形成以及整個世界被強大的資本主義國家瓜分。這種對馬克思對資本主義發展的分析的擴展是列寧對政治經濟學最重要的理論貢獻之一。







  1. 資本主義需要不斷的消費,轉化為持續的增長(GDP的增長)。沒有GDP增長,資本主義就會停滯不前,經濟衰退就會發生。但是,由於不可能在有限的可用資源下實現無限增長,隨著市場趨於飽和,資產階級必須尋求新的市場。
  2. 資產階級也處於不斷的內部競爭之中,因此,資本家欲在競爭中取得勝利就需要擴展新的市場和尋求更便宜的勞動力將使他們在競爭中占據優勢。







— 恩格斯, 《共產主義原理》 [note 1]


Given that imperialism is, (according to Lenin) the highest stage of capitalism, one tendency of imperialism is to export the class conflict of a nation to foreign lands. Thus, the British nation, in order to solve its problem of unemployment and food scarcity along a capitalist basis (without socialism; redistribution of wealth and power to the commoners through social ownership) it had to find new lands to settle the unemployed.

"In order to save the forty million inhabitants of the United Kingdom from a bloody civil war, our colonial statesmen must acquire new lands for settling the surplus population of this country, to provide new markets. ... The Empire, as I have always said, is a bread and butter question."

Cecil Rhodes, British imperialist, as quoted in Lenin's Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism

Contemporary times

Imperial core

Today, imperialism is still very much alive as Lenin described. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank for example were institutions created for the benefit of the imperial core (the richest and oldest capitalist economies, grossly encompassing North America and Western Europe) so as to perpetually keep former colonised countries in debt that they can not repay. The IMF is known to demand specific free market policies put into place so as to facilitate movement of capital from the imperial core towards these ex-colonies, also known as the Global South. On top of having many strings attached, the IMF is allowed to seize projects when loans cannot be paid back, and they often can't due to very harsh payment plans (usually very high interest rates over a 7-year period).

This "soft" imperialism is not the only form of imperialism happening, and we can look at the US Invasion of Iraq in 2003 for a "harder" form of imperialism. In this case, the entire country of Iraq as well as the surrounding region was destabilized, which allowed U.S. oil companies to eliminate competition and seize these wells for themselves.

Soviet "imperialism"

During the Cold War, a rivalry between the world's two global powers at the time (the USA and the Soviet Union), the CIA's Congress for Cultural Freedom cultivated a milieu of anti-Soviet leftists to advance the geopolitical line of the US. One accusation that was leveled against the Soviet union was that it was yet another imperialist state, based on the conflicts which happened between the Soviet Union and China. USSR did not practice imperialism in the Leninist sense — it did not export capital and was not under control of a financial oligarchy.

Chinese "imperialism"

In modern times, some accuse China of being imperialist, mainly in Africa. These people again use the liberal definition of imperialism and can be ignored in much the same way.

With its Belt and Road Initiative, China does not practice the same harsh policies as the IMF (namely, forcing austerity upon loan recipients) and that is why they are being favored by more and more countries, leading to a disinformation campaign by the imperial core to help drive popular support from the B&R and back towards the IMF. Famously, Chinese loans pay for infrastructure (needed for development), are often forgiven [2], and there are no policies required to getting such a loan.

Imperialist military

Imperialism is enforced by military power -- especially, since the early 20th century, by U.S. military power. One indication of this is the large number of military bases that the U.S. maintains in foriegn countries and the large number of U.S. troops stationed around the world.

U.S. military personnel in Europe

At the end of 2021, the United States had 74,000 military personnel stationed in Europe in long-term positions (according to the U.S. Congressional Research Service).[3] Not all are combat-ready troops. The numbers of these U.S. personnel in some particular countries is as follows:

  • Germany, 36,000
  • Italy, 12,000
  • Britain, 9,000
  • Spain, 3,000
  • Turkey, 1,600

Besides these personnel, the U.S. rotates 4,500 troops through Poland.[4]



  1. Vladimir Lenin. Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism. "Chapter 1: Concentration of production and monopolies":

    「Thus, the principal stages in the history of monopolies are the following: (1) 1860-70, the highest stage, the apex of development of free competition; monopoly is in the barely discernible, embryonic stage. (2) After the crisis of 1873, a lengthy period of development of cartels; but they are still the exception. They are not yet durable. They are still a transitory phenomenon. (3) The boom at the end of the nineteenth century and the crisis of 1900-03. Cartels become one of the foundations of the whole of economic life. Capitalism has been transformed into imperialism.」

  2. https://www.scmp.com/news/world/africa/article/3089492/china-forgive-interest-free-loans-africa-are-coming-due-xi
  3. Reuters, 2022. "Factbox: Where NATO forces are deployed"   Accessed March 2022
  4. Reuters 2022, op. cit.