Module:If empty:修订历史



2022年8月10日 (星期三)

  • 当前之前 12:122022年8月10日 (三) 12:12Forte 讨论 贡献 1,018字节 +1,018 创建页面,内容为“local p = {} function p.main(frame) local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {wrappers = 'Template:If empty', removeBlanks = false}) -- For backwards compatibility reasons, the first 8 parameters can be unset instead of being blank, -- even though there's really no legitimate use case for this. At some point, this will be removed. local lowestNil = math.huge for i = 8,1,-1 do if args[i] == nil then args[i] = '' lowestNil = i end…”